Hi friends, I am so excited today as my blog has been approved by PayPerPost. I wasn't expecting an approval mail so soon, not until 3 weeks or even 3 months! But here my approval mail comes in just 10 days! Wow PayPerPost is really cool. Thanks a bunch!
Blogging has been my passion since the past many months and i have been writing about my personal life and the things that interest Me. On my daily visits to other blogs i was so curious about all the PayPerPost banner ads flashing about and bloggers blabbing about their extra income, from a site called PayPerPost. My friends had already been members and had began earning their extra income through blogging, and they too seem very satisfied with the results.
It seems as if PayPerPost(playing cupid) has struck its love arrow into the hearts of thousands of bloggers and has turned ordinary bloggers into publishing powerhouses. Watching such a golden opportunity, i dint want to lose the chance and so i too, decided to sign up. Now am a proud member of Payperpost and i will definitely grab all opportunities that come my way. I will also be blogging about my own interests..
I now realise while sitting at home and enjoying a relaxed life, one can also make hay while the sun shines. PayPerPost has offered us bloggers a fantastic way to improve our potentials and generate some extra income too. Whatever the amount, its going to be of great use and why not? Its going to be fun too.. isn't it? So why dont you sign up this very moment and get paid to blog, while you enjoy yourself posting the things you love:)
The money that i earn, will be put towards my families extra activities and enjoyment like family outings, candlelight dinners and my kids needs. Am hoping i can fulfill some of those hidden wishes withen me through PayPerPost.

best off luck, you can fulfill your hidden wishes as soon as possible.(*_*)
I am really happy to know that your application of PAY PER POST is approved, I wish you can earn much money from that, wish you success, have a nice weekend.
sameer thanks for those encouraging words:) hopefully i should make something at least;)
Coolingstar as usual, your a great commentor.. thanks alot for the wishes:)
I had changed my blog into a new domain name,can you please change it in your blogroll please.Thanks a million.
I hope i can also try to make those $$$$$(whatever i can) like so many others;), thanks for the wishes.. it counts a lot:)