So you are tempted to play the video, already imagining BUSH dancing with PUTIN.. i know your curiosity is arising and its not going to be long since you will watch Bush dancing. OK, now here's the video at which is from the website. That's going to make you jump out of your seat with laughter. But hey! wait a minute.. do you believe that's actually Bush and Putin? you believed it right? well no, that's advanced technology these days! The video is created by using advanced technology that allows mapping the faces of the dancing actors onto the faces of the celebs. Without Bush and Putin shaking a leg in it, would that get you a rib tickling feeling? the urge to laugh your guts out.. i think everyone wants to see how they shake a leg in reality, apart from the daily politics.
Now that you know whats behind the video, am sure you are looking forward to a new parody, daily. There's more of the celebs parodies to be created in the same series, soon. Just register at the main site so that you don't miss out on the fun and you can also leave your comments and suggest a celebs name or two. When there's such amazing special effects around, getting someone to do exactly what we desire to see.. who wouldn't want to see the celebs acting funnily? ha ha ha i am waiting for new releases, as i've watched the video and that was non-stop entertainment for a few minutes, at least!