I am here, yet again with my new template which i feel looks lovely/simple and cool, at the same time soo professional! don't you think so? I've cracked up my brains to get my blog setup on this template, as this was not easy at all.. its also suggested by the designer himself, Cris from eblogtemplates.com(the original designer being eches of blog.eches.net).. he said that this should be attempted only by the professional bloggers or those who know lots of html but am nothing compared to a pro blogger and neither am an html expert;).. The difficult task was changing the designers codes to my own! as he has some alternatives on the template.. and that's a bit confusing since i don't like tampering with codes much, but as i saw this template i was so reluctant to use this and nothing else. Now am done, but not completely done, as you can the header is so plain.. looks simple and clean though but i like headers that match a blog. I Think this really has cool features like the recent articles though i would prefer a most viewed posts and will try that too..
One more thing i would like to suggest those who want to use this template as i've read comments to the designer regarding problems while loading this template.. The side bar is not 200PX but 120PX and 180PX bars so before adding your elements, change your widgets to the needed size:) This is where i was trapped for hours!! as the second side bar slid right down and nothing doing unless i figured it out some hours later.. hehehe
Friends and visitors, you can always provide honest feedback about this template and ill see i can do my best to take into consideration your suggestions, if any:)
Thanks for dropping by. As for your request, I'll come back to you with the details. My current template utilizes Ajax for its recent comments, recent posts with images, featured articles etc.
Again, just to response to your statement which is as follows:-
ts also advised by the designer himself, Cris from eblogtemplates.com.
The real designer is eches of blog.eches.net
Oh yeah, and i'll give credit to the original designer too! ;)
as for me, am fine:)
i just talk about your old template in my blog.
congratulation on your new 'skin'
:) :)
yeah, template changing is damm tiring;)
I have been experimenting with layouts since i created this blog, but its hard work ;)
i like your new template. it is nice and look professional too..