My experience online has been tremendously exciting and rewarding, as i have taken part in several of the paid to blog sites and also enjoyed what they have offered. I want to create a buzz about a website called snap bomb that urged me to sign up with them after i got curious from one of the forums that stated that they pay well.. and they approved my blog within minutes! so no waiting for a month anymore, like other paid to blog sites. I even see opportunities starting from a value of $10 for a review of a post.. so thats pretty attracting. After your sign up, your minimum/maximum value of payment will appear beside your approved blogs URL, depending on your blogs rank but not to worry as they even offer opps for lower ranked blogs. Go to to get a better view of the site yourself.
Your minimum payout will be $25 but it wouldn't take much time to gather that amount as they offer a decent value for each opportunity. I recommend all bloggers who are interested in blog advertising, to sign up asap, its one of the best i have noticed so far!